Saturday, February 18, 2012


Greek Food Art

Religious Food Choices

Greece is an Orthodox Christian country. They observe many fast days. On those days they cant either eat no meat or no food.

Common Dishes

the most common dish between america and greece is a skewer. in greece their skewers may have lamb .in american ours would have pork or beef. in both countries they use vegetables to top them off.

An Original Dish from America

Pulled Pork Sandwhich
 It consist of pork shoulder, barbeque sauce, pepper, salt , olive oil, and a hamburger bun.
Southerners are more likely th eat and make this american dish.


The Greek eat most meals as a family. At time they will only eat one meal a day with the whole family and not just the immediate family.
A typical meal for a greek family is Avgolemono which is like an egg and lemon soup.


  • 8 cups (4 cans) chicken broth
  • 1 cup uncooked rice
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 Tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 Tablespoons salt, or to taste

Greek Eating Times

They Usually eat lunch at 2pm. They eat dinner no earlier than 9pm.
If they eat at a restaurunt they arent likely to go at 12pm.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Flavor Principles Used In Greek Cooking

<--- lemon and parsley with olive oil
Soy Sauce+sake-sugar

Soy Sauce+garlic-brown sugar-sesame seeds


Wine vinegar-Herb



Sour Cream-Dill




Common Cooking Methods in Greece

Greek foods are fried, sautéed, simmered, boiled, braised, stewed, baked, roasted, grilled, poached, pickled, puréed, and preserved. They are not smoked in home cooking. Greek foods are usually named after the way they are cooked, such as Kapama ( stovetop meat and pultry casserole in a sweet and spicy tomatoe sauce).

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Where is Greece and how is there climate?

Greece is located in southern Europe. The weather this season is mostly sunny and the temperature ranges from 39 degrees ferinheight to 59 degrees ferinheight.
Two Thirds of the year Greece has sunny clear skies.There temperatures do vary throughout the year. Winters in Greece ae mild and rainy with temperatures at freezing points.